Brand Guidelines

This resource helps us create alignment on how we present ourselves to our target audiences. It encompasses why we exist, who we’re relevant for, how we provide value to those groups, how we communicate our message.

Hero image
Feature 1

Enable independence 🚀

Feature 2

Convenience of modern banking with the benefits of bitcoin 🥇

Feature 3

Future-proof your money 🔒

Writing standards

The following guideline helps us talk about Bitcoin Well in a consistent way that’s in line with our brand and the customer experience we’re striving to deliver.

Buy Bitcoin

Primary color palette

“Close enough” is cool for parallel parking but not branding. Use the right colour model to ensure colours stay consistent everywhere they appear. RGB & HEX Digital/online. CMYK & Pantone Process & offset printing

Primary Colors

Secondary color palette

The following colours can be used in tandem with the Bitcoin Well primary palette. They should not be used stand alone but in context to the primary palette.

Secondary Colors
Feature 1


Feature 2

Poppins regular

Feature 3
Secondary body

Source sans pro regular

Primary logos

Our logo is the face of our identity. Please take care not to distort, skew, stretch, change color/font, etc.